Welcome to the website operated by Woho (Changzhou) International Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). In order to allow you to use our company or the various services and product information provided by our website with peace of mind (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), we hereby explain our privacy protection policy to you to protect your rights. Before you decide to use the services provided on this website, please carefully review and confirm that you have understood and agreed to the following content:
1、 Understanding Privacy Protection Policy: This privacy protection policy includes how our company handles the personally identifiable data you collect while using this service. Intended to assist you in understanding the types of data collected by our company, the reasons for collecting this data, and the purpose of this data. We hope you have a clear understanding of how we use information and the various measures we take to protect your privacy. This privacy protection policy does not apply to linked websites outside of this website, nor does it apply to individuals who are not commissioned or involved in the management of this website.
2、 The data we collected:
(1) Our method of collecting data is as follows:
1. You proactively provide:
When you proactively send messages, fill out consultation forms (questionnaires), register as a member, browse product catalogs, use service mailboxes or any interactive services through this website to use this service, you may need to provide personal/company information and contact information such as name, phone number, mobile number, address, and email address, in accordance with the requirements specified on this website.
2. This website automatically collects:
When you browse this website, our company may collect information related to your use of this service and activities in the service. This website will also retain relevant records automatically generated by the server when you browse or query online, including but not limited to the IP address of your connected device, usage time, data in the cookies on this website, browser information, and click data records. These information are only used as internal reference for enhancing our company's products and services.
3. Provided by a third party:
When you purchase or obtain our products or services through our distributors [or business partners], the distributors or business partners will share user transaction information and related data with our company for product repair services, production of our internal sales reports, improvement of products and services, better understanding of customer behavior analysis, or achieving other legitimate purposes listed in this policy.
(2) Our purpose for collecting personal information is as follows:
The personal data collected by our company will be used for the sales, distribution, and marketing of our products, related contracts based on the previously disclosed business content, similar contracts or other legal relationships, consumer and customer management and services, consumer protection and product dispute resolution, commercial and technical information related to our products and other e-commerce services, advertising or business behavior management, investigation, statistics, and research analysis Other business operations that are in line with the business registration items or organizational articles of the company.
(3) Personal data protection and retention:
This site is equipped with comprehensive security measures to protect the personal data collected by our company and prevent personal data from being stolen, tampered with, damaged, lost or leaked. In addition to using secure software and hardware devices and mechanisms for the transmission of personal data collected by our company, and in accordance with relevant government laws and information management principles, firewalls and antivirus software are installed to prevent illegal intrusion and malicious program damage, and a data security control system is established. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed to access and use data, and no one is within the authorized scope, Neither can nor can obtain customer information through authorization mechanisms.
We will retain your data for a necessary period of time to complete the purpose described in this service, unless we obtain your consent or legal provisions allow for a longer period of retention. You can also request us to delete your data we have collected through .
3、 Our company's policy on sharing personal data with third parties
We will not share your data with other companies, institutions, or individuals unless either of the following applies:
(1) Obtain your consent in advance
We will only share personal information with companies, organizations, or individuals outside of our company with your consent.
(2) For external processing
If our company entrusts others to handle affairs, or assists us in handling sales, marketing of our products, or resolving related disputes, we will provide necessary information to authorized or other distributors or business partners who have signed confidentiality contracts or trusted relationships with our company in a hidden manner. Please follow our instructions, And comply with this privacy protection policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures to handle such data on behalf of.
5、 Self protective measures
Please keep your password and/or any personal information safe, and do not provide any personal information, especially passwords, to anyone. If you have completed logging into this website and used it, please remember to log out of your account. If you are sharing a computer with others or using a public computer, be sure to close the browser window to prevent others from reading your personal information or letters.
6、 External related links of the website
The webpage of this website provides network links to other websites, and you can also click on the links provided on this website to access other websites. However, the privacy statement of this website is not applicable to this linked website, and you must refer to the privacy protection policy in the linked website.
7、 Cross border transmission
You understand and agree that when you provide your information to us using this service, your information may be transmitted, stored, and processed across borders between our affiliated enterprises, service providers, product distributors, and business partners. The cross-border transmission, storage, and processing of your data mentioned above will comply with this privacy protection policy and relevant laws and regulations on personal privacy and data security in various countries.
8、 The use of cookies
In order to provide you with the best service, this website may place and access our cookies on your computer, which include: absolutely necessary cookies (such as confirming secure login), analysis/website performance cookies (such as identifying and calculating the number of users of this website), functional cookies (to improve and enhance the usability of this website) Target Cookie (records the pages and links viewed on this website, tracks user activities on this website). If you are unwilling to accept the writing of cookies of our company's previous disclosure type, you can set the privacy level to high in the browser function items you use to reject the writing of cookies, but it may cause certain functions of the website to be unable to function properly.
9、 Special or sensitive personal information
We will not require you, and please do not provide special or sensitive personal information to our company, such as your medical records, medical records, politics, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual life, criminal records, or genes.
10、 Amendment and Consultation on Privacy Protection Policy
This privacy protection policy will be revised at any time as needed, and the revised terms will be published on the website. If you have any questions about your privacy rights on this website, please contact .